Lavigne Laboratories, LLC
  History   To Our Visitors  
Lavigne Laboratories, LLC was founded in 2003 specifically for education, sales and manufacturing of the Syringeless Injection Technology.
The Syringeless Injector was invented at the Institute of Materials Science, University of Connecticut in 1987 by Gary Lavigne. Since that time, the Syringeless Injection technique has been used successfully by small businesses and large multinational corporations on a broad range of applications, such as failure analysis, deformulation, odor problems, polymer analysis, identification of contaminants and adhesion problems. A list of companies presently using Syringeless Injection on a routine basis is available here.

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We will be continually adding products and information so please check back again. If you have a specific application or material that you would like to see analyzed by Syringeless Injection please feel free to contact me.
Chromatographers from around the world have used the Syringeless Injection technique to solve difficult analytical problems since 1990. I believe you will find its sensitivity, reproducibility and simplicity a powerful accessory for your Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies Gas Chromatographs, including 5890 Series I & II the 6890 GC's and the HP 5973 systems.

Gary Lavigne


Creative Commons License
All content created by Gary D. Lavigne, unless otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Hewlett-Packard, Inc and Agilent Technologies, Inc are not associated with LAVIGNE LABORATORIES, LLC