is Syringeless Injection?
Injector Installation Syringeless
Sample Preparation
The sample vial is a fundamental part of the Syringeless Injection
technique. It allows you to place any material directly into the
injection port of the Gas Chromatograph without first dissolving
it in a solvent. The amount of sample to be used is determined by
the quantity of volatiles released from the sample at a specific
The sample vial and quartz wool are cleaned just prior to use by
flaming. This is done to vaporize any airborne contamination that
has deposited on the vial and quartz wool during storage. Once the
sample has been placed into the sample vial quartz wool is inserted
to prevent the sample from falling out when inverted. The use of
quartz wool is not always necessary and is dependent on the size
and nature of the material to be analyzed. The sample vial is then
inserted into the Syringeless Injector for analysis. Syringeless
injection offers a number of different sampling techniques, which
are presented in more detail in the applications section.