Lavigne Laboratories, LLC

What is Syringeless Injection?
Syringeless injection is a powerful new injection technique for Gas Chromatography that replaces the standard injection port liner. Samples no longer need to be diluted with a solvent prior to analysis. You can now analyze a broad range of materials directly within the injection port.
Samples to be analyzed are placed into a sample vial then loaded into the Syringeless Injector. The Syringeless Injector moves the sample vial into and out of the injection port by controlling the split vent carrier gas flow. Efficient transfer of volatiles directly into the capillary column is accomplished by inverting the sample vial over the inlet of the capillary column. The Syringeless Injector requires no septa or transfer line, allowing the injection port to operate at maximum temperature without any interference from septa bleed. Unlike syringe injections the Syringeless Injectors ability to expel any unvaporized sample prevents the build up of contaminants within the injection port.
The Syringeless Injector installs by simply replacing the injection port liner. No permanent modifications to the injection port are necessary.

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Syringeless Injector Installation

Syringeless Operation

Syringeless Sample Preparation

Syringeless Injection


The Syringeless Injector operates like a Ball Flow Meter. The ball (sample vial) is suspended within a tube surrounded by a flowing stream of gas. As you increase the flow rate of the gas, the height of the ball increases.

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All content created by Gary D. Lavigne, unless otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License.